About Our Products
Allorah has been honing her skills as a candle maker since 2010 and has shared her talents with her bookish besties Roe and Shaye.
Together, they brainstormed and experimented to come up with a line of candles that suits the vibe of our current reading era. Each candle has been cultivated from the plethora of scents that have been described in a wide variety of literature to reflect book tropes, genres, and characters. In the future, they hope to gain licensing to create candles for specific book worlds.
In the meantime, we are proud to present our custom candle line:
"It's Giving..."
We ladies believe candles are another means by which to transport you from this reality into another. They can elevate the scents of your reading space to accompany you on your reading journey. Candle making is the perfect blend of art and science to compliment your olfactory senses and bookish tastes.
Digital Downloads
Roe, Allorah and Shaye each have extensive experience in creating digital assets whether for social media, distance courses, websites, or for productivity and organisation. Shaye is the brilliant mind behind our TPWAT 2025 Digital Reading Journal while Roe handles most of our social media digital assets and Allorah puts her talents to use with our website design and maintenance. Though our digital reading journal is our first digital asset for purchase, you can be sure it won't be our last! We pride ourselves on our creativity, style, and design choices to make the user experience as luxurious and seamless as we possibly can.
Coming soon, TPWAT will be selling a wide variety of products from shirts to hoodies to tote bags and tumblers.